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Call to Love Experience with Jasmine Bellamy & Christy Vines
In this episode of the Call to Love Experience podcast, Christy Vines, Founder and CEO of Ideos Institute joins host, Jasmine Bellamy in a live and experiential session of the Call to Love Experience on the transformative power of love and empathy. Join us for our communal practice and engaging conversation at the intersection of love and empathic intelligence.
The Call to Love Experience is an invitation to a spiritual journey towards reorienting ourselves in Love. Join Jasmine Bellamy, Founder and Spiritual Director of Love 101 Ministries, and her guests as they examine the theology and cultivate the practice of love.
ProGrace Podcast: How to Move from Debate to Dialogue Through the Power of Stories
What’s in a story? We all have one. Hearing a person’s story requires listening to understand and identify the connecting points. What if we stopped the back and forth in the abortion debate to emphatically listen to the other side?
In this episode, Angela sits down with Christy Vines, President and CEO of Ideos Institute, who introduces us to how she and her team use Empathic Intelligence (EmQ) to transform spaces of division. The results advance empathy, transform systems, and inspire solutions. As with the ProGrace approach to help Christians think, talk, and engage differently in unintended pregnancy and abortion conversations, Ideos Institute uses Jesus’ teaching model to help people navigate contentious topics to find common ground. Learn how you can retrain your brain to do a different job of moving from debate to dialogue by putting yourself in someone’s story.
Whole Person Revolution Podcast with Christy Vines
Real and enduring social change can feel impossible when it seems our society has split into a million fragments. How does collective action succeed when our lenses are so individuated? Christy Vines founded the Ideos Institute to solve just this problem, discovering “empathic intelligence” as a strategic way of living and engaging with the created order around us. She talks with The Whole Person Revolution podcast host, Anne Snyder about the formation of this intelligence—how exactly it can be learned and taught.
Faith & Work Podcast
The Faith & Work Podcast wraps up its three-part series on leadership with Ideos Institute President, Christy Vines to discuss what it looks like to be a leader who lives out the world-changing virtue of empathy.