Empathic Intelligence
At its core, Empathic Intelligence (or “EmQ”) is what we call “a pursuit of knowing.” It is a practical and powerful process of gaining new insights and empathic understanding that leads to ideas unconsidered or deemed impossible in its absence. Unlike other intelligences, it relies not only on the accumulation of data or knowledge, but the unique ability to understand, and then act upon, the experiences and perspectives of others without negating one’s own in the process.
What is
Empathic Intelligence (or EmQ) is unique from almost every other intelligence in that it is an intelligence where the primary beneficiary is not oneself. Rather, it is an intelligence that exists primarily for the benefit and good of others.
Practically, it is the mutually reinforcing ability to understand (cognitive), relate to (affective), and make sacrificial decisions on behalf of others (active), all without losing one’s self in the process. It is also the key to the realization of a world that embraces the diversity and complexity of God’s created order, and where, as a society, we can love and live alongside others despite deep differences. Only from this position do we become freed to pursue social renewal and realize true human flourishing.
Empathically intelligent people are formed and informed by a process that includes all three forms of empathy. These individuals not only grow in their commitment to the well-being and development of both self and others, but see them as not mutually exclusive.¹
¹ Arnold, Roslyn, Empathic Intelligence: Teaching, Learning, Relating. UNSW Press, 2005,
The EMQ Framework
The Cognitive
God at work in us.
The act or process of knowing how the other person feels and what they might be thinking. Sometimes called perspective-taking.
BENEFITS: Helps in understanding diverse viewpoints, motivations, and beliefs. It can help uncover conscious and unconscious biases, and judgements that are grounded in a singular point of view: your own. It can be especially helpful in identifying the why behind how and why people believe, think, and act like they do.
HOW TO START: You can start by paying attention to the world around you with curiosity — the situations, stories and circumstances often outside of your own purview.
Ideos’ Empathy Mapping Process can help improve your cognitive empathy.
The Relational
God at work among us.
The ability to relate to another person's mental or physical state. Also known as “affective empathy.” This is often referred to as “feeling with” another person, as though their emotions were your own.
BENEFITS: Helps in broadening one’s understanding of community which requires the breaking down of the mental and physiological barriers that prevent us from connecting authentically with people different from us. Also functions to build greater connection and unity in diverse populations.
HOW TO START: Being in close proximity to diverse stories and the lived experience of others (especially stories and experiences you do not understand or relate to), as well as perfecting your deep listening skills — one of the most significant skills you can learn in the process of engaging in generative dialogue — is a great first step towards improving your relational empathy.
Want to see generative dialogue in action? Watch Ideos’ documentary film, “Dialogue Lab: America.”
The Sacrificial
God’s redemptive work through us on behalf of others.
Builds on the cognitive and relational forms of empathy, which subconsciously moves us to act on behalf of others. This is sometimes referred to as compassionate empathy, and forms the foundation for sacrificial living, the pursuit of human flourishing, and a life lived to bless others, renew culture, and give of ourselves.”
BENEFITS: The sacrificial form of Empathic Intelligence is the active form of empathy. It forms the basis of compassion and is the foundation for deep, interpersonal relationships. What results is an acute, innate, and largely unconscious desire to take action to address them. This is the essence and realization of an authentic love of neighbor and forms the basis for human flourishing.
HOW TO START: The pursuit of the Christian call to service and sacrifice is not easy. And it is a pursuit that is best done in a community such as the one found in our the Ideos Leaders Fellowship. Want to know if this fellowship program is right for you? Click here to learn more.
In summary, to respond with Empathic Intelligence, you must be able to:
Understand or identify how someone feels or thinks (cognitive).
Authentically relate to how someone is feeling (relational).
Have compassion AND an innate, and largely subconscious desire to act on their behalf (sacrificial).