31 Days of Unity Campaign
OCTOBER 1 - 31, 2024
For the month of October, as we prepare for a national election and a shared life that will continue regardless of results, we invite Christians of all backgrounds, ideologies, cultures, and ethnicities to engage in a time of personal reflection, prayer, and embodied practice centered in the love and unifying presence of Christ.
The 31 Days of Unity Campaign offers you the opportunity to allow God to point you away from the anxieties of a contentious election, and towards the reconciling presence of Christ who beckons us to be salt and light, peacemakers and reconcilers in a time of extreme division.
Join us on October 1, 2024!
The “31 Days of Unity” Sacred Listening Guide
During election seasons, conversations can quickly become debates, and debates can lead to division. The Fostering Empathy and Unity Sacred Listening Tool can help reframe that dynamic.
This tool encourages you to focus on understanding and connection, rather than who’s right or wrong. By listening with empathy, you create a space where others feel valued, respected, and truly heard.
Download the official companion to the 31 Days of Unity Campaign
Small Group Resources
A People, a Place, and a Just Society
An app-based small group Bible study explores justice and reconciliation through a biblical lens
Christian Civics: Foundations
An easy-to-implement, video-based course covering the ten most important topics in civic discipleship.
Christian Civics
For Love of Neighbor Study Series
The "For Love of Neighbor” 6-week study series is a small group discussion series that invites participants to think beyond just “voting Christian policies” and consider how they can participate in political and civic life for maximum impact.
Light to the World
A discussion guide for how to live out the Christian story when we engage with politics.
Christian Civics
Love Over Fear Project
A group journey that helps explore and unpack how love and fear operate in our daily lives. Let's awaken to the way of Jesus in the midst of our polarized world.
Dan White, Jr.
Politically Divided Congregations
A biblical framework alongside practical tools that can help divided churches create space for civil dialogue around social and political issues.
Public Faith for Troubled Times
This 9-part video series offers biblical grounding and theological reflection for Christians who recognize both the difficulty and demands of living out their faith in public today.
Yale Center for Faith & Culture
The After Party
This free video course will offers an on-the-ground, biblically based approach to navigating today’s challenging political environment.
Redeeming Babel
The Colossian Way
Conflict shouldn't hurt us or cause us to doubt the Gospel. The Colossian Way gives Christians a framework to engage our most divisive conflicts faithfully.
The Colossian Forum
"One Anothering" Small Group Curriculum
An 8 week curriculum that helps us "choose each other" in a politically divided world.
The Colossian Forum
Film & Media
Acting Together While Thinking Differently (Podcast)
Pluralist Points Podcast
Yuval Levin talks with Ben Klutsey about the importance of social cohesion and civic responsibility amid diversity.
Dialogue Lab: America (Film)
Ideos Institute
What happens when twelve Americans — from across the political and ideological spectrum — attempt to engage in dialogue on some of our country’s most divisive issues? We decided to find out.
For Love of Neighbor (Film)
Initiative on Faith & Public Life
For Love of Neighhor casts a hopeful vision for Christian participation in contemporary public life while exploring fundamental questions about the purpose (and limits) of politics when engaged faithfully.
Forming Peacemakers, Stoking Imagination (Podcast)
The Whole Person Revolution
“What are the pathways of formation required to cultivate the kind of wisdom and forbearance needed for a very real world of constraints and differences?”
Meditation on the Third Commandment (Audio)
C.S. Lewis Essays
An audio recording of C.S. Lewis’ essay from his Meditations Series.
"Leap of Faith" Film
Colossian Forum
From the filmmakers who brought you Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Twelve diverse Christian leaders find hope and fellowship at a series of boundary-breaking retreats in Michigan.
Books & Articles
Claiming the Courageous Middle
Shirley Mullen
A Christian theological framework for the work of “middle space” drawn from the Old and New Testaments.
Escaping Enemy Mode: How Our Brains Unite or Divide Us
Dr. Jim Wilder
Longtime author and “neuro-theologian”, Dr. Jim Wilder, explains how the brain develops enemy mode and what it takes to get the brain to “refriend”.
Learning to Disagree
John Inazu
The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences With Empathy and Respect
Not In It To Win It: Why choosing sides sidelines the Church.
Andy Stanley
A book that attempts so answer the question: “Is it possible to disagree politically and love unconditionally?”
Reckoning With Power
David E. Fitch
Why the Church Fail When It’s On The Wrong Side of Power
Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0
Brenda Stalter McNeil
Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness, and Justice.
The Moral Imagination: The Art & Soul of Building Peace
John Paul Lederach
How do we transcend the cycles of violence that bewitch our human community while still living in them? A major figure in the field shows us the way.
The Spirit of Our Politics
Michael Wear
The case for a new paradigm of political involvement rooted in the teachings of Jesus and drawing insights from Dallas Willard’s approach to spiritual formation.
The Little Book of Conflict Transformation
John Paul Lederach
A guide that emphasizes the importance of building relationships and social structures through a radical respect for human rights and life.
Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World
Richard J. Mouw
In Uncommon Decency, Richard Mouw forges a model of Christian civil conversation, even with those we might disagree with.
Other Resources
A Call to Civic Discipleship
A framework for how the church can think and respond to issues of extreme polarization in our politics and culture.
Love Anyway Feast
Preemptive Love
From November 8th-17th, the Love Anyway Feast is an opportunity to build unity through hospitality.
Principles and Practices of Peacemaking
Telos Group
An articulation of the conceptual and ethical foundations of just peacemaking.
The Peacemakers Toolkit:
Search for Common Ground
A resource to equip faith leaders with the tools they need to foster peace and resilience within their congregations and beyond.
The (Re)Union Project is an initiative of Ideos Institute and supported by a collaborative of Christian organizations, funders, and churches.
Ideos Institute is a registered 501(c)3, EIN #86-2961014